Now that the sun is enticing us all to spend more time outside, it is a great opportunity to top up our vitamin D levels. Vitamin D is synthesised by our skin when exposed to ultraviolet light (specifically UVB), and we can also get it from our diet. In the UK, between April and October, just 10 - 20 minutes in the sunshine without SPF is long enough to provide us with the recommended amount of Vitamin D.
Food sources of vitamin D include oily fish, egg yolks, dairy, meat and mushrooms. Those following a vegetarian or vegan diet may not get enough vitamin D through diet alone.
Vitamin D is necessary for immune function, mood regulation and energy production. It plays an important role in the health of bones, the brain and the heart. Studies have suggested that it plays an important role in the recovery from Covid.
Since it is a fat soluble vitamin, deficiencies are common where fat absorption is not optimal. The liver and kidneys are both involved in converting vitamin D to its active form, and therefore diseases of these organs can also cause deficiencies.
Between October and April, the sun is not strong enough in the UK to provide us with the recommended amounts of vitamin D, and supplementing is often recommended. It is easy to test levels of vitamin D, and this is advisable before taking a supplement.
If you are concerned about your Vitamin D levels, please get in touch and arrange a discovery call to see if I can help.